Monday, November 30, 2009

the holidays

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving week and weekend. I've got a lot coming up in the future: a wedding, lots of shots from Thanksgiving and lots of great stuff while I visited family and snuck away a time or two for some great portraits of the Pelican State. So, come back soon, there's a lot more where this came from.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

scenes from texas II

Quickie: wildflowers down the street, shot with the Hola, awesome.

Monday, November 23, 2009

scenes from texas

More shots from the Holga! Don't even remember where I took this at, that's how long film sits in my Holga sometimes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

armadillo art

Spotted this at a roadside park near Northeast Mall. Only in Texas does someone choose an armadillo as a subject for their metal sculpture. Gotta' love it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

megan and prince

More shots from Megan and Prince's wedding in Something Blue...check it out!

Monday, November 16, 2009

creepy burgers

Clown Burgers off of Haltom Road may want to update their sign. This is the freakiest clown I've ever seen, he definitely is not selling me burgers...he's selling me nightmares. Shot with the Holga.

Friday, November 13, 2009


We Texans here in Fort Worth have been enjoying something that usually isn't seen in this part of the country-it's called Fall. The weather has been phenomenal. Typically it's stays at around 95 degrees and then, sometime late in November, it freezes and the leaves die of shock and sudden instant hypothermia and just plummet to the ground not knowing what hit them. This year the temperature change came on slow and gradual and the leaves up and down the street are gorgeous.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

mark and terri

New post on Something Blue...check it out!----->

Thursday, November 5, 2009


A quick post: hay bales. simple. timeless (think Monet). and shot with the Holga.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

halloween II

More from Halloween! Click the pic to see it larger... Later.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Scenes from one of the freakiest Halloween parties I've ever been to. I thought parties like this could only be found on movies or sit-coms...they proved me wrong!

Death: standing ten foot tall, standing post, waiting for his next soul...

A book of spells?!

Do you really need to know your fortune?

Earlier party goers...

Monday, November 2, 2009

return to the fair

During my visit I shot both with my Holga (a roll of 120 film, color), but I also took my old Mamiya C330 for a spin simply out of love for that camera. With my Mamiya I shot a roll of 120 film black and white. A few of those from the fair are below: